Who should attend?
General Practitioners and Trainees
Practice Nurses
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Consultants
O & G Trainees
Gynaecology Nurses
Objectives of course:
To understand:
Physiology of Menopause
Forms of HRT available and indications
Side affects and risks
Fees and Registration
Doctors: £195
Pharmacists £50
Nurses: £23
Paymants to be made on-line
Programme: 8.50-9.00 Welcome Summi Abdul
9.00-9.30 HRT: Is it in or out of fashion? And why do we even ask that? Mr Peter Hinstridge
9.30-10.30 Menopause practical prescribing Dr Katie Barber
10.30-11.00 Androgens in menopause Ms Jyotsna Pundir
11.00-11.15 Q&A
11.30-12.00 – HRT and cancer risk Ms Radha Venkatakrishnan
12.00- 12.30 HRT after cancer, BRCA Ms Radha Venkatakrishnan
12.30-12.45 Q&A
12.45- 13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.00 Unscheduled bleeding in HRT Kamal Ojha
14.00-14.30 Premature Ovarian Insufficiency and HRT Mr Kanna Jayaprakasan
14.30-15.00 PMDD, PMS, Progesterone intolerance Ms Uloma Okwuosa
15.15-15.45 Menopause and sexual dysfunction Ms Sheila Radhakrishnan
15.45-16.15 Perimenopause and contraception Ms Radha Venkatakrishnan
16.15-16.45 Q&A
17.00 Close
Mr Summi Abdul, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Director DELTA Centre
Mr Peter Hinstridge, Consultant Gynaecologist, Royal Derby Hospital, University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Trust, Derby
Dr Katie Barber, Community Gynaecology lead, GPSI Menopause, BMS accredited menopause specialist, Oxford
Ms Jyotsna Pundir, Consultant Gynaecologist & Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery,
St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London
Ms Radha Venkatakrishnan, Consultant Gynaecologist & Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Menopause Lead, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Mr Kamal Ojha, Consultant Gynaecologist & Hon Senior Lecturer, St. Georges Hospital, London
Mr Kanna Jayaprakasan, Consultant Gynaecologist; Hon. Associate Professor & Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Royal Derby Hospital, UHDB, Derby
Ms Uloma Okwuosa, Consultant Gynaecologist & Clinical Lead for Benign Gynaecology
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford
Ms Sheila Radhakrishnan, Consultant Gynaecologist, BMS accredited menopause specialist, Royal Free Hospital, London
Delta Centre
Contact: Jayne Newbold, Centre Manager, Tel 07502 550 660 , E-mail: dhft.deltacentre@nhs.net