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DELTA Centre Health
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Keyhole Hysterectomy / TLH
Patient Feedback
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Patient Information Leaflets
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Leaflet
Abdominal Hysterectomy Leaflet
Laparoscopy Leaflet
Abalation Leaflet
Vaginal Hysterectomy Leaflet
Ovarian Cysts before Menopause
Ovarian Cancer
Menopause leaflet
Treatment Enquiry
Delta Centre Training
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
TLH feedback July 2016
TLH Course April 2017
TLH October 2017
TLH July 2017
TLH Feb 2018
TLH June 18
TLH Oct 18
TLH March 2019
TLH June 19
TLH 4-5th Nov 2019
Gynaecological Cancer Symposium
Basic surgical skills workshop
Feedback Feb 19
Endometriosis Symposium
DELTA Urogynaecology Symposium
Reproductive Health Symposium
Gynaecological Ultrasound
HRT and Menopause
Special Study Modules
Laparoscopic & Robotic surgery
SSM Log 2022 MArch
SSM Log March 20221 (2)
SSM Feedback / LOG
SSM Log 2
SSM log 3
International Fellowship
Teaching material
TLH course
Gynaecological Cancer Symposium
2016- Ovarian Cancers
Ovarian cancer overview & MDT
Investigations & Tumour Markers
Pathology of Ovarian tumous
Genetic testing in ovarian cancer
Borderline ovarian tumours
A Fellows experience of ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer research trials
Difficult cases
Case report- Small cell tumour of ovary
K+ Channels in Ovarian cancer
Robotic surgery in Derby
Ovarian cancer Screening Trials
Ultra-Radical Surgery in Ovarian cancer
Role of Laparoscopic surgery in Ovarian tumours
Chemotherapy in Ovarian cancer
2017 - Cervical Cancer
Programme 2017
Cx cancer & MDT
Recent Developments in cervical Cytology Programme
Cervical screening & Colposcopy Update
Radiology in Cervical cancer
HPV & Cervical cancer
Psychology in Cervical cancer
Surgical treatments
Robotic surgery in Cervical cancer
Radio-chemotherapy developments
Recurrent disease management
Delegate Feedback Feb 2017
2018- Uterine and Vulval cancers
Gynaecological cancers and MDT
Investigation and Diagnosis
Hyperplasia and Management
Pathology of Uterine Cancers
Screening and prevention
Radiology of endometrial cancers
Surgical management
Adjuvant treatments
Follow up, Recurrence and Prognosis
Vulval Cancer
2019- Key developments in Ovarian Cancer
Introduction- S Abdul
Overview - K Gajjar
Pathology- Rand Hawari
Radiology- R Kirke
AOC UK- J Butler
Non-Operated patients- A Phillips
Setting up Ultra-radical service- V Asher
Minimizing Morbidity-S Chattopadhyay
Collabarotive Working- J Abu
The Patient Experience
Quality of Life- S Kumar
Laparoscopic debulking- R Tozzi
Mainstreaming & Tumour testing- S Crockett
Chemotherapy and Emerging Treatments- S Williams
2020 Cervical Cancer update
10 year Review HPV Vaccine- Kate Smallwood
Jo's Cervical Cancer trust
Cervical Cytology and Screening- Alison Cropper
Imaging in Cervical Cancer- Shama Puri
Case Presentation- Subul Bazmi
Improving screening in Pregnant women- Sarah Coleridget
Colposcopy Update- Onnig Tamizian
HIV and Cervical cancer- Sophie Herbert
Supporting Patients- CNS
Optimal treatment of locally advanced Cervical cancer- Indy Fernando
Surgical treatment of cervical cancer- Carmen Gan
Radical Hysterectomy: Open vs Laparoscopic - John Tidy
2020 Symposium Feedback
2021- Uterine
Welcome- Mr S Abdul
Epidemiology and Diagnosis- Dr M McGowan
Obesity and Endometrial cancer- Divyen Menon
Screening and Genetics development - Sam Crocket
Histopathology- an update- Rand Hawari
Radiology assessment and staging of endometrial cancers- Shama Puri
Trainee 1- Carcinosarcoma case report- Priya Banzal
Trainee 2- Uterine PIcoma- Kate Smallwood
Trainee 3- Changing route of Hysterectomy- Lotte Weenink
Medical management of uterine Cancers- Susan Lalondrelle
Bariatric Anaesthesia- Nick Reynolds
Surgery in the Morbidly Obese- Waheed al-Khyaat
Type 2 - Non Endometrial Cancers - Kate Smallwood
Surgical Management of Endometrial Cancer- Susan Addley
Feedback Symposium 2021
2022- Ovarian
Feedback Gynae Onc Symposium 2022
1: Welcome - Mr S Abdul
2: An overview- Miss S Addley
3: Radiology- K Jethwa
5: Audit of Ovarian cancer N ireland- De McMullan
6: Low Grade serous cancers- Dr R Johnson
10: Trends in Hysterectomy- Dr L Weenink
11: Hospital stay after TLH- Anjali Mehta
12- BMI and TLH- J Sellicks
13: Familial Ovarian Cancer- S Crocket
14: Oncological Challenges
16: Patient selection for secondary debulking - Mr N Burbos
Laparoscopic surgery
Energy devices in Lap surgery
Laparoscopic ports
Integrated Laparoscopic Theatres
Contact us
Treatment Enquiry
Booking form for training
The Team
Teaching and Research Team
TLH Trend over 13 years
DELTA Urogynaecology Symposium
6th February 2026
Course Director:
Mr Summi Abdul
Course Organisers:
Miss Bhhawana Purwar
Miss Manjula Annappa
Location: Virtual TEAMS meeting
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